News: Listen To Your Heart
“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.” ― Native American Proverb
“The above Native American Proverb touched me deeply as I pondered the current world circumstances. The world has been facing the greatest health pandemic since the time of the Spanish flu and we know that whilst the COVID-19 virus does not discriminate, its impact is greater on those who have been rendered poor. We remember and pray for all who have died as a result of COVID-19, and we pray for a regeneration of life as we move forward.”
“As ‘business as usual’ has come to a grinding halt and we are called to look deeply into the state of our world and our own values, I find myself called to ‘listen to the heart’… As people of Mercy, we continue to grapple with injustices throughout the world and know deep in our hearts that the only way forward is to work for the liberation of all, so that earth and every human may truly flourish.”
- A reflection from Angela Reed RSM, MIA Global Action Coordinator at the UN taken from the Mercy Global Newsletter, May/June, Volume 4/Issue 6.