CRA calls for solidarity with the Australian Jewish community in face of increase in antisemitic attacks.
Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), the peak representative body for the Leaders of Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life in Australia, is deeply distressed about the increasing rise and extremity of antisemitic attacks....
“We utterly condemn these hateful attacks on the Jewish community,” said Br Gerard Brady cfc, President of CRA.
“We urge our members to reach out to the Australian Jewish community in friendship and solidarity. Now more than ever, building up interfaith relations is essential to learn more deeply about the hopes and fears of our Jewish sisters and brothers at this time, along with other people of faith in our local neighbourhoods, together finding ways to work together towards a common goal of a peaceful and harmonious Australia,” he said. ...
- Read the Media Release in full here
Sisters of Mercy North Sydney Congregation is a member of CRA
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